AMP connects artists and behind-the-scenes collaborators of all genres, including musicians, painters, performance artists, writers, dancers, and many more, with resources, opportunities, and personal connections. Many AMPers also provide free temporary lodging for other members. With thousands of members in 86 countries, AMP enthusiastically and energetically builds bridges between artists, audiences, and producers through our website, as well as at AMP-hosted parties and multimedia events worldwide. AMP is free to join. The only 'cost' is your energy and enthusiasm in building a global artistic community and helping fellow artists.
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MAPSpace Collaborative Workspace Residencies available, deadline April 25

from Franklin Furnace

MAPSpace Collaborative Workspace Residency Program
Deadline April 25, 2015. Notification May 15
Residency dates: August 16- September 13, 2015
(Residency can range from 3-4 weeks, dates are flexible and may vary slightly)
Residency is free. No application or fees of any kind.

This is a studio/workspace residency for collaborative artist teams (2+) lasting 3-4 weeks. Residency culminates in exhibition, performance or event in same space. Artist teams take over the gallery space as a studio work space to create a unique work(s). This is a NO LIVING- workspace only- residency.

AMP's picture

Studio XX, Montreal, Canada, call for proposals, deadline May 22

from Franklin Furnace


Studio XX launches a call for proposals for our 2015-2016 artist in residence program.

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Arts Writers Grant application open

from e-flux

Arts Writers Grant application open

Application deadline: May 21, 2015

The Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant Program supports writers whose work addresses contemporary visual art through project-based grants, ranging from 15,000 to 50,000 USD, issued directly to 20 individual authors a year. The program was founded in recognition of both the financially precarious situation of arts writers and their indispensable contribution to a vital artistic culture. The Arts Writers Grant Program aims to support the broad spectrum of writing on contemporary visual art, from general-audience criticism to academic scholarship.

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Swab Barcelona 2015: application and news

from e-flux

October 1_4, 2015

Swab Barcelona
Italian Pavilion
Fira Barcelona

Swab Barcelona presents its eighth edition that will bring together 70 galleries from all over the world, focusing on emergent artists born after 1975.

The online application for galleries willing to participate is open until May 8, 2015. For information on the galleries programme and to download the information pack and applications please click here:

New curated programmes for galleries

Swab Forum in collaboration with de Appel Arts Centre D’Amsterdam & MACBA

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International Public Art Call - City of Edmonton, Canada

from e-artnow

North East Transit Garage Public Art Project

Edmonton Arts Council

Edmonton Arts Council
Suite 222 10440 108 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5H 3Z9
Andrea Bowes, Public Art Office
Phone: +7804242787
Fax: +7804257620

International, professional artists or artist teams are invited to submit their qualifications

Artists are invited to consider creating contemporary exterior art for one of 4 locations

Please visit the website to read the full Call

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Call for applications for Climbing Invisible Structures: curated residencies and exhibitions in Norway, Iceland and Lithuania

from e-flux

Deadline: 24 May 2015

Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Art
Taikos g. 43
LT-93121 Neringa

Climbing Invisible Structures. Ritualised Disciplinary Practices in Social Life is a curated visual arts residency exchange and exhibition programme organised by the Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts (NAC) (Lithuania), in collaboration with the Office for Contemporary Art Norway, the Nordic Artists' Centre Dale (Norway), the Skaftfell Center for Visual Art (Iceland), and the Ars Communis Residency Centre YO-YO (Lithuania).

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Call for curatorial proposals: the Impakt Festivals 2016 and 2017

from e-flux

Deadline for application: 25 May 2015

Impakt is calling for curatorial proposals for the Impakt Festival in 2016 and 2017.

The Impakt Festival is the annual culmination of Impakt's activities as an organisation that focuses on critical media culture: a five-day, multi-media festival with conferences, talks, performances, screenings, exhibitions and presentations. Founded in 1988, the Impakt Festival takes place every autumn in the city of Utrecht (NL).

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Call for applications | Live Works 2015

from e-artnow

LIVE WORKS Performance Act Award Vol.3

CentraleFies (Dro, IT) / Viafarini (Mi, IT)

LIVE WORKS Performance Act Award Vol.3
CentraleFies (Dro, IT) / Viafarini (Mi, IT)

Centrale Fies in collaboration with Viafarini presents:
LIVE WORKS Performance Act Award_Vol.3

curated by Barbara Boninsegna (artistic director of Centrale Fies, Dro), Simone Frangi (artistic director of Viafarini, Milan), Daniel Blanga-Gubbay (founder of Aleppo, Brussels), Denis Isaia (curator at MART, Rovereto)

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Call for 4th Ghetto Biennale 2015

from e-artnow

Kreyòl, Vodou and the Lakou: forms of resistance

Atis Rezistans

Deadline for applications 5th July midnight BST 2015
Atis Rezistans
622 Blvd Jean-Jacques Dessalines
Leah Gordon
Phone: 02079212223

A call for artists and curators (calls in Kreyòl, 官话, Portugués, لغة العربية, Español, русский, Francais, नॉट available soon on the website)

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Worldwide deadline reminder: jobs, scholarships, competitions, residencies, exhibitions

from e-artnow


CIPAC fédération des professionnels de l'art contemporain. France.
Deadline: asap.

Finnish Academy of Fine Arts / Latest / Open positions. Finland.
Deadline: asap. Stellenangebote: the platform for Swiss Museums, CH.
Deadline: asap. the professional portal of the historical sciences in Switzerland, CH.
Deadline: asap.

SKM Studienzentrum Kulturmanagement Universität Basel, Cultural management job announcements. CH.
Deadline: asap.

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