AMP connects artists and behind-the-scenes collaborators of all genres, including musicians, painters, performance artists, writers, dancers, and many more, with resources, opportunities, and personal connections. Many AMPers also provide free temporary lodging for other members. With thousands of members in 86 countries, AMP enthusiastically and energetically builds bridges between artists, audiences, and producers through our website, as well as at AMP-hosted parties and multimedia events worldwide. AMP is free to join. The only 'cost' is your energy and enthusiasm in building a global artistic community and helping fellow artists.
Visitor's picture

First day of involvement with AMP is today, 49 wks after joining! Confession!

Helloooooo! I'm finally deciding to do something on here!, I'm going to do a little tour around the site.....see what I see....

I can't believe I joined 49 weeks ago and had done NOTHING on here, not even put up a picture or any of my work!

Going from this moment....

Suzanne Bella Land

Visitor's picture

First day of involvement with AMP is today, 49 wks after joining! Confession of a block I'm trying to work out of me!

I suppose I just felt overwhelmed at the thought of exploring here, or it could be a subconscious resistance to activating my art life and connecting with others in that way, even though all of this is so wonderful and sacred and necessary for me. This is my first posting and I just put my picture up and I have told myself that I will explore the site a bit and see what's going on.

Visitor's picture

First day of involvement with AMP is today, 49 wks after joining! Confession of a block I'm trying to work out of me!

I suppose I just felt overwhelmed at the thought of exploring here, or it could be a subconscious resistance to activating my art life and connecting with others in that way, even though all of this is so wonderful and sacred and necessary for me. This is my first posting and I just put my picture up and I have told myself that I will explore the site a bit and see what's going on.

Visitor's picture

First day of involvement with AMP is today, 49 wks after joining! Confession of a block I'm trying to work out of me!

I suppose I just felt overwhelmed at the thought of exploring here, or it could be a subconscious resistance to activating my art life and connecting with others in that way, even though all of this is so wonderful and sacred and necessary for me. I think it's both of these things as I have suffered quite a long and numbingly baffling resistance to making new work. Even now, that I have a show less than a month away, I still can't seem to make myself go into the studio.

Visitor's picture

First day of involvement with AMP is today, 49 wks after joining! Confession of a block I'm trying to breakthrough!

I suppose I just felt overwhelmed at the thought of exploring here, or it could be a subconscious resistance to activating my art life and connecting with others in that way, even though all of this is so wonderful and sacred and necessary for me. I think it's both of these things as I have suffered quite a long and numbingly baffling resistance to making new work. Even now, that I have a show less than a month away, I still can't seem to make myself go into the studio.

Visitor's picture

First day of involvement with AMP is today, 49 wks after joining! Confession of a block I'm trying to breakthrough!

I suppose I just felt overwhelmed at the thought of exploring here, or it could be a subconscious resistance to activating my art life and connecting with others in that way, even though all of this is so wonderful and sacred and necessary for me. I think it's both of these things as I have suffered quite a long and numbingly baffling resistance to making new work. Even now, that I have a show less than a month away, I still can't seem to make myself go into the studio.

Visitor's picture

First day of involvement with AMP is today, 49 wks after joining! Confession of a block I'm trying to breakthrough!

I suppose I just felt overwhelmed at the thought of exploring here, or it could be a subconscious resistance to activating my art life and connecting with others. I think it's both of these things as I have suffered quite a long and numbingly baffling resistance to making new work. Even now, that I have a show less than a month away, I still can't seem to make myself go into the studio. All these ideas are painting themselves in my head and there is a strange kind of empty feeling at the center of the inaction, which upon scraping away a little, reveals a slight ouch....which I dare not touch much as it gets more sensitive and it says "I feel guilty that I'm not doing it!" Another voice then says "So what...don't if you don't feel like it. Be true to yourself".

J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

poet bewaring

poet bewaring
AMP's picture

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: TESSERAE-the Art of Mosaics (Los Angeles area / deadline May 10)


2nd City Council Art Gallery + Performance Space in Long Beach, California


Mosaic is an ancient medium and `tesserae` are the small pieces used to make up
a mosaic—the tiny bits that create the larger picture. We invite mosaic artists
from around the world to share their recent work as a window into this popular
contemporary art form. The exhibition will be a dialogue between artists working
in all media of mosaic: tile, glass, broken crockery, ceramic, polymer clay,
mixed-media, and more. The exhibition itself becomes the Mosaic. It reflects
the diverse ways in which this exciting medium is used for artistic expression,
creativity and growth.

This is a gorgeous gallery!

HeyViv's picture

“Meet, Greet and Eat” Dada – 2009 Day de Dada Confab

Day de Dada April4th Confab

We are getting ourselves in gear for a new season of Dada art on Staten Island. The Eternal Knitter, Alergic to B's and I are sending out announcements for our Confab on April 4th at ETG Book Cafe. We hope to get a lively group together on the 4th to plan an "Art Parade" at the Staten Island Art by the Ferry Festival on June 6th. Art by the Ferry is a new festival (only the second year) but plans are buzzing and we hope to bring some perfomance art into it on a larger scale than last year.

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