Feast or Famine

stevebrown's picture

So, I recently quit my stressful, lame, and low-paying day job (which offered a steady paycheck but nothing else of merit) and went back to performing full-time.

It's been a while since I made a jump like that. I had plenty of support from my friends, colleagues, and my lovely wife. Didn't make it any less scary.

So here I am now. I'm getting gigs that pay really well, but they aren't coming in anywhere near as regularly as I need them to be. I know it's only a matter of time, and that it's going to be a little while before things pick up. I haven't exactly been out in the marketplace for a while, and I need to get my name circulating again.

I'm ok with this.

But damn it's scary. I've got a wife, two kids, three dogs, and a house in the 'burbs. I'm still paying off my first marriage.

And yet, somehow, I couldn't be happier. So here is my question, for anyone who stumbles across this...

Am I completely insane or what?



lindakentartist's picture


so, who invented the yo-yo?

stevebrown's picture

No one. It originated in

No one. It originated in Ancient Greece as a toy for the children of nobility, somewhere around 500 B.C. Check this link for more info...



lindakentartist's picture

or what?

No, you're not insane. Yet.
When you need a part-time or temporary job, try craigslist.org
The right side list has states and countries. You could post yourself their as well.
My niece is a henna tattoo artist. She's working at an amusement park (one of those 6 Flags, I think). If there's s'thing like that around you, you might check it out. County fairs? Generally find out what festivals are around?
Are you considering busking to fill in the gaps? Seems like a yo-yo artist could do well with a hat-passing operation. You have kids so we reckon you're good with kids. Is Cleveland Heights near Cleveland proper? (just curious)

stevebrown's picture

Cleveland Heights is right

Cleveland Heights is right next door to Cleveland proper. I can be in Cleveland city limits in about 3 minutes if the lights stay green.

I've been looking around for a night gig bartending or bar-backing. Keeping my days free lets me spend time with the kids, take care of the little one (who turns 1 next month), and get the business end of things taken care of. Nothing has turned up just yet, but I also haven't had much time to really look.

I really don't enjoy busking. I'm not very good at it. I spent about a decade in the theatre, and I'm far better and more comfortable on a proper stage, with a check waiting for me at the end of the night. This whole thing with doing a show and then convincing people to buy a ticket on their way out just never worked well for me.



lindakentartist's picture

Boston yo-yo artist

Ok, well anyway, uncle scam (AMP) says you could contact friendly yo-yo artist John Higby in Boston. www.yoyopeople.com He also creates his own yo-yos. Maybe he has some insight.

stevebrown's picture

John Higby is a good friend

John Higby is a good friend of mine. Believe me, I've already spoken to him. But good lookin' out, and it's much appreciated.


AMP's picture

you are not alone

You have the perennial artist's dilemma. But you are a professional yo-yo performer, which is wonderful and amazing.

AMP: Artists' Meeting Place & Resource Collective