'Tis the Season to go Postal!

Laurie Notch's picture

Okay, life has once again gotten in the way. I mean, it just arches its back so that my toe catches hold and trips me up. I stumble forward and try not to fall flat on my face, and my poor creative projects wind up scattered across the vast desolate plains of frustration! I'm sure you all have lived this metaphor at one time or another. As I crawl on hands and knees and slowly gather up the bits and pieces of my writing, publishing, and graphic art that have been trashed in the name of wage-slave survival, I tell myself that I will be able to embrace it all one day and breathe new life into my work! Just keep me awy from loaded waepons in the meantime. (I'M KIDDING, OKAY?)

More Cube Ghouls shall rise from their corporate hell -- promise.


AMP's picture


I definitely always want more Cube Ghouls.

AMP: Artists' Meeting Place & Resource Collective