Cube Ghouls for Real!

Laurie Notch's picture

Well, you just can't escape them, those evil Cube Ghouls. I left the warped vortex of flesh-eaters and soul-suckers in Washington, D.C. eight months ago to land in the land of laid-back tolerance. No, not California. MAINE whose motto is "The Way Life Should Be." So here I was in pine country looking for work and lo and behold I espy the empowering graffiti declaring "Demand the Impossible." SUre enough, I obtain gainful employ as an online auction coordinator for a local non-profit (a Time Bank, a really cool concept). It was too good to be true: my own corner office, my own project, carte blanche creative license. Kudos and accalades from my coworkers on my production skills. Then the energy vampire bitch from hell flies in to sabotage my work and steal my soul -- or at least foist me out of my new job. And what to my surprise to I learn? She's an escapee from Washington D.C. where she did 22 years as a federal employee! Yikes! At any rate, in three short weeks she thought she had my promotional materials production stalled and me falling flat on my face right before the deadline. But I showed her. I took the sharp stake of due diligence and stabbed her right through her feckless heart. You should have heard her shriek! Really! She howled at the program director then the moon all because I wouldn't feed into her control games. My next manouver re office politics -- reduce her to one of my cartoon images and post it. Stay tuned!


lindakentartist's picture

due diligence

re "I took the sharp stake of due diligence and stabbed her right through her feckless heart." -- Careful there, or we won't be able to get through airport security with our due diligence.

AMP's picture

hold steadfast

I think I know her...;)

AMP: Artists' Meeting Place & Resource Collective