AMP connects artists and behind-the-scenes collaborators of all genres, including musicians, painters, performance artists, writers, dancers, and many more, with resources, opportunities, and personal connections. Many AMPers also provide free temporary lodging for other members. With thousands of members in 86 countries, AMP enthusiastically and energetically builds bridges between artists, audiences, and producers through our website, as well as at AMP-hosted parties and multimedia events worldwide. AMP is free to join. The only 'cost' is your energy and enthusiasm in building a global artistic community and helping fellow artists.
AMP's picture

Open position: Curator at Bildmuseet—Contemporary Art and Visual Culture

from e-flux

Application deadline: May 5, 2025

Bildmuseet at Umeå University
SE- Umeå

Bildmuseet seeks a curator of exhibitions, a permanent full-time position in Umeå, Sweden. The final application date is May 5, 2025. Employment begins October 10, 2025, or by agreement.

AMP's picture

Executive director sought, Jack, Brooklyn

from Franklin Furnace

Please visit this link:

Thank you.

AMP's picture

Call for proposals, Art in Odd Places, West Hollywood, CA, deadline Mar. 16

from Franklin Furnace


The City of West Hollywood presents

Art in Odd Places (AiOP) 2025: VOICE

Application Deadline MARCH 16, 2025, 11:59PM PST


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. February 3, 2025. LA. Art in Odd Places (AiOP) is pleased to announce the dates, curator, and theme of the twentieth edition of the iconic public visual and performance art festival in the City of West Hollywood at Plummer Park, West Hollywood Park, and Sunset Plaza scheduled for July 25, 26, and 27, 2025.

AMP's picture

Belmacz’ open call for autumn 2025 exhibition: Open call for Route 19

from e-flux Agenda

Submissions deadline: April 11, 2025

45 Davies St
London W1K 4LX
United Kingdom
t +44 20 7629 7863

Belmacz invites one and all writers and artists to involve and impart fond anecdotes and personal connections with London’s number 19 bus route for we are developing our autumnal group show paying homage to this iconic route.

The daily urban ennui intermingling with these landmark stops of moments past—a peculiar journeying microcosm through many of the metropolis’ moments of diverse definement—will be probed into and explored. The two floors of our Davies Street space are to be upper and lower deck, encompassing the differing atmospheres felt in the distinct compactness of the moving space.

berekekê's picture

Trio Deluxe

An extensive revised edition from albums Cuaderno de campo. de marismas, ríos y mares & 9 momentos inolvidables + 1 sentimiento infantil.

More info:

Listen here:

berekekê's picture

Quartets Deluxe

Available an extensive revised edition from strings quartets one to eight.

More info:

Listen here:

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Call for artists, Changing times Tap Initiative, deadline March 15

from Franklin Furnace

The Changing Times Tap Dance Company, Inc. is excited to share we are now accepting applications for the 2025-26 cycle of the Changing Times Tap Initiative.

Since 1979, artistic director Jane Goldberg has worked to fulfill the company's mission: to develop, produce, and present the creation of new tap dancing work, entertain and educate the public about tap dance history, and preserve and maintain one of America's only indigenous dance forms.

Examples of projects eligible for the initiative include tap-related choreography, live performances, festivals, sponsored educational activities (ie. tap classes), podcasts, research and writing (books, articles on tap), archives, and films.

AMP's picture

Open call: Museum of Arts and Design Burke Prize 2025

from e-flux

Application deadline: February 28, 2025

Museum of Arts and Design (MAD)
2 Columbus Cir
New York City, NY 10019

The Museum of Arts and Design is accepting applications for the 2025 Burke Prize. The Burke Prize is a biannual contemporary art prize for a new generation of artists working in a world of expanded media with a foundation in glass, fiber, clay, metal, or wood. Selected by a diverse and distinguished jury of curators, artists, and scholars through an open-call application process, the Burke Prize winner receives an unrestricted award of 50,000 USD.

berekekê's picture

New Deluxe editions

Hi AMP friends:

We are working the new Deluxe editions about some of my albums, so they will be available on donation in the official web and limited edition on pendrive.

Stay tunned!

AMP's picture

Onassis AiR Οpen Call 2025–2026

from e-flux

Application deadline: March 7, 2025, 12pm

Onassis AiR is the Artistic Research, Residency & Fellowship Program of the Onassis Foundation established in September 2019. Having received over 7000 applications through our open calls and supported more than 200 Fellows over the past five years, the program has become a hub for cross-disciplinary thinking and exchange among local and international art practitioners and researchers.

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