Born and raised in France, Performance Artist, Actress, Choreographer, Certified Movement Analyst - and Featured AMP Member - Nathalie Broizat arrived in New York City in 2000 as a Fulbright grantee. In 2003, following several years of performance work across the USA, Broizat moved to Los Angeles, where her career took a radical new direction when she began to study under legendary performance artist Rachel Rosenthal. Since then, Broizat has performed in Rosenthal's Fauve Conspiracy, as well as at MOCA, Redcat, Highways, Cabaret Voltaire, the Electric Lodge, the Fountain Theatre, and Espace DbD. She is currently a regular guest artist and educator at the University of Mississippi; a guest artist with the theater company Cracked Eggs, dedicated to mainstreaming the art of the mentally disabled in the international alternative art community; and a cast member of Outmigration, an ongoing multimedia performance in New York City.
Broizat's unique performance work, inspired by French cabaret and dance theater, questions the limitations and complexities of human existence while offering an ironic and sensitive view of everyday life. She deeply believes in the artist's crucial role for progress in peace and social justice. Nathalie Broizat is very proud of her membership in AMP - and AMP is very proud to present Broizat live in performance at the Body of Art opening reception on March 15. Take this rare opportunity to drop by and say hello in person to Nathalie Broizat.