To Estan.

Skip247's picture

I look at you as I do a cat, or a bird, or a flower, or any other natural being - with amazement a joy of the natural beauty of Mother Nature. Skin, scales, fur, leaves and bark are the same.
I neither think or act as a man of the 'world' but as a man of the Earth. I do not live IN the 'world' but WITH the 'world'. Because there is no greater power here than nature, as it is pure and balanced; whereas the commercial world is false and unsustainable in it's future.
Nature gives in abundance (not one seed but millions, not one offspring but several, not a single raindrop but showers of them, etc.) only needing love, care and respect in return.
The Earth is truely my Mother. She freely gives me food, shelter, warmth, and the greatest of lessons whenever I come to her. In return she has my total respect and, above all, my love.


AMP's picture


I'm glad you're back, Skip! You were missed.

AMP: Artists' Meeting Place & Resource Collective