I am no Coward!!!

Atiim Chenzira's picture

Through Hoops and fires and obstacle courses...

Through cuts and pains and unbeaten paths...

The falling and dusting off builds character and experience.

So tired of crashes and angered by folly...

So pissed at adversity and challenged to breath...

I get up and exhale real slow for a moment.

I won't let this shit hold my mind to the pavement!

My body is affected and my heart skips like records...

My relationships vibrate like a train before derailing...

My world revolves slow while support comes to meet me...

I am not without, but the process frustrates me.

I inhale the negative and flap once again!

I am no coward!!!


J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture


J.A. Spahr-Summers
Poet & Photographer

I like it!