Back to basic in experimental film

Geert Wachtelaer's picture
Back to basic in experimental film

An image from an experimental film, where I go back to basics, the film was called first time.


sufisis's picture

Your Still...

This is a beautiful, poetic iimage. What is the name of the film? What is it about, besides being "experimental"? Is there a way I can see an excerpt? Have you been to You can upload short pieces there. Keep up the good work!




Geert Wachtelaer's picture

My Still

This still is taken from a film I've made called 'First Time', it's about the very first sensations, impressions and memories from my first years here upon this world. Sounds, colors, figures, gestures is what I recall. This film is not to be seen yet, because it's a part of one man exhibition which will take place in December. The gallery told me not to show the film or fragments on the web.

Yours Truly,

Geert Wachtelaer