Call for Submissions: Sacred Memories: Cross-Cultural Celebrations of Day of the Dead (deadline August 1)

AMP's picture

From October 19 to November 27, 2009, El Pueblo Historical Monument
will present Sacred Memories: Cross-Cultural Celebrations of Day of the
Dead. Sacred Memories follows El Pueblo $B!G (Bs acclaimed 2007 exhibition
which explored celebrations that venerate the departed including Dia de
los Muertos, first observed by the indigenous people of Latin America,
China $B!G (Bs Qingming, and other rituals practiced in United States,
Europe, Africa and the Caribbean. Artists are asked to submit for
consideration two and three-dimensional work (including ofrendas/altars)
that examines rituals honoring the deceased and/or pays tribute to
departed ancestors.

Submissions should be sent to:
History Division, El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument
125 Paseo de la Plaza, Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90012.

Submissions will be accepted in the following formats:
$B!| (B CD containing digital images, i.e. jpeg format
$B!| (B Photographic prints
$B!| (B Slides
Absolutely no email (electronic) submissions will be considered. Do not
mail or drop off original work.

The following information must accompany the submission:
$B!| (B Artist $B!G (Bs first and last name, telephone number and email
address (if available)
$B!| (B Title of work, year executed, media, dimensions and price (if
for sale).
$B!| (B Artists who wish their entries be returned to them must include
a self-addressed stamped envelope.

All submissions must be received by August 1, 2009. A maximum of six
(6) submissions from each artist will be reviewed. All submissions must
be the artist $B!G (Bs original work. Artists whose work is accepted for the
exhibit will be notified in late August. Upon notification, images of
accepted work may be used in the exhibition $B!G (Bs publicity.
For more information, please call (213) 485-8432 or email

Mariann Gatto
El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument
125 Paseo de la Plaza, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213)485-8432 (direct)
(213) 485-0428 (fax)