Feeding the Brainchildren

Laurie Notch's picture

I haven't posted on AMP in a looooooong while. Why? Because I have hungry brainchildren to feed which means spending time and energy working any job that comes along. These days, I spend 12 hours a day in a cab. Am I to be the female Travis Bickell? Not likely. But living in Stephen King country, one never knows.

At least one of my creative progeny has become fully grown and published now. My first novel, "The Spoiler" (available on Lulu.com) is the beginning of a family of books in the series, "Stranger Than Fiction." We'll see if after years of nurturing and cultivating if these creations will finally earn their keep and support their dear ol' mother of invention.

So that is the update. To check out the most current version of "Adventures for the Average Woman" go to www.ideagems.com

We have lots of cool writers and always wish to include more! So be our guest and send us stuff!