Never say die (until you really are dead)

Laurie Notch's picture

It has been quite a spell since I last posted on AMP. Well, chalk it up to: 1) fruitless slave-driving job for ungrateful non-profit; 2) frenetic slave-driving labor of love with unprofitable publication; 3) frustrating slave-driving troubleshooting of "fekakta" computers and Web site.

The good news is: ungrateful non-profit is no more for me; labor of love managed to produce a bigger and better issue of "Adventures for the Average Woman" (Check it out at ; computers and Web sites are restored -- hooray!

The bad news is: unemployment is once again unenjoyment; with the crash came the loss of all my graphic novels, "Cube Ghouls" included. Guess it's back to the drawing board.