Life is trife...

Laurie Notch's picture

...and unemployment is sheer enjoyment, until the bills come due.

So, here I am at the rather ripe age of 49, abandoning all fiscal responsibility and social viability as a hard-working career-minded woman for the sake of art. What? Am I out of my imagination-riddled skull?

Fourteen months ago, I cast the wage-slaving life away to follow my dream of writing and publishing. Surprisingly enough, I have gotten a small literary magazine off the ground. It's called, "Adventures for the Average Woman," and it is garnering a fairly decent following. The question is, can I keep it airborne without funds to fuel it? By some miracle, the project has been staying aloft for five months.

I haver to admit I feel both encouraged and terrified over taking the plunge into the depths of the creative process. WIll I bellyflop into the hard seas of failture? Will I swopp and soar into a high-flying orbit around public clamor for more than I can deliver?

Either way, I stand on the brink ready to brave a Nietzzchian epiphany.