The Time Gallery

Laurie Notch's picture

Not to be overly redundant, but yes, I am being redundant but only to reinforce this great gallery event!

If anyone out there is in the Portland, Maine area tomorrow, you are invited to attend the First Friday Art Walk when the city's galleries and museum are open and free to the public -- including our gallery: The Time Gallery.

Tomorrow's exhibit, "Animal, Vegetable, Mineral," will feature the paintings and drawings of Portland artist Gail Wartell with catering by Burt Wartell. Music proviced by clasical guitartis Chuck Muldoon.

Date: Dec. 1

Time: 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Place: 47 Portland Street
Portland, Maine 04101

Contact: 207-874-9868

If your are an artist (local or "from away.") who would like to arrange a showing of your artwork, please contact us!