J.A. Spahr-Summers's blog

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New Release Unlikely 2.0

The current mid-monthly multimedia issue of Unlikely 2.0 is now online at ... http://www.unlikelystories.org/

with nine collages by Randel Plowman, eight paintings by Randy Thurman and a short film by Cecelia Chapman.

I hope you enjoy it.


J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

gulagguantan amo

gotussome people weve
gotussome foreigners weve
gotussome prisoners weve
gotussome terrorists they say weve
gotussome nasty little critters
gotussome leverage now weve
gotussome col-lat-er-al

J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture


Today I'm doing everything BUT what I set out to do today.

I'm under preasure, the dreaded deadline syndrome!

So ... I have started a new book, read some reviews, drove KI to school, worked on photographs, posted a quote, did some blogging, sat outside in the beautiful Colorado spring weather smoking and gazing at the mountains ... some more smoking ... played with Cole, Rascal, Mona and Mr. Grey, spoke to my wife on the phone, spoke to my mother, watched You Tube music videos, put up some new blinds, drank 4 cups of tea and a pepsi ... and so I am ready to start now ... as soon as I eat something that I hope will inspire me.

J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

pushy fat pigeons

driving home this morning i think on how
the mountains look so anxious
troubled to some effect by something only mountains understand
and clouds crowd around like pushy fat pigeons
winter is packing to leave

J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

according to foghorn leghorn

why a picture is nothing
but a painting
waiting i said
i said waiting
to be painted it screams out
in bloody red rage and
gasps of gifted yellow
it bellows some blues
and then
a little black

J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

Freedom to Fascism

Here again, another MUST SEE movie for the politically curious.


Politics has been pretty much in my face lately!


J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture


I was exposed to this film "Zeitgeist" about a week ago. It is incredible in its scope and implications.

This is a MUST SEE for anyone with an opinion on American Politics.

Pass it on ... far and wide!



J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

Instant Gratification

I love the access the internet gives me to resources and publications. Such an improvement over the old days of typing and re-typing submissions, sending photos out by mail and fretting their demise. Waiting for snail mail responses!

I sent out 3 poetry submissions to magazines this morning (within the last 3 hours), as well as, 1 photography submission (just now).

1 of the poetry submissions has already been accepted, granted ... this magazine has published me before, but still.

Along with my monthly story about South Africa and poems published in Sketchbook which I sent out Friday, it's been a great week of acceptance so far.

Gotta love it!

(here is a link to photographs published this Month)...


J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

I am knee-deep in disallusionment (once again) with the American political system. I watch the candidates for The Presidency and I am dismayed by the animosity between each other, such venom.

What lies they promise!

And what lies we have already been told; before, now, again and again!

Campaigning, a dog eat dog soapbox opera, is not for the feint of heart (especially during times of a trumped-up war).

We suffer the embarrassment of the world.

(Please join me at ... http://liarmagazine.blogspot.com/)


J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

An old dog learns new tricks

For 30 years I've written poetry, which I started publishing about 25 years ago. Always the poetry, just poetry. In Cape Town, my best friend and I ran the school newspaper ... well ... there was another editor involved, but WE did all the work. I was an art editor in another school journal when I returned to the U.S.

The point is, until I started publishing The Poetry Victims in 2004, I never published (even attempted to publish) anything but poetry and photographs. In The Poetry Victims, I add commentary of my own to the rest of the issue which is in email format, for instance, compared to the blog ring versions.


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