So this piece represents an old tradition of my country, it's sort of like Halloween but we have a specific type of masks and costumes. So the people gather together and put on their costumes and start to dance to chase away the ghost and witches so the year would be fruitful and productive. My representation of the women is dancing in front of two shadows in the both corners of the painting, the second one is not very visible! Hope you enjoy this one!
This doesn't have much meaning, it's just a rendition and my perception of the sunset at the moment of making!
Size: 50/70 cm.
Medium: Oil, Pastel, Water colors.
Plot: Interpretation of the state and feeling of a model during lessons of Artistic Anatomy
Name: Sight
Size: 14/24 cm.
Medium: Water Colors
Plot: “Sight” is what you see, the eye and the dimension behind it. What goes on, what happens behind the eyes, this is what the work is about.
Name: Dancer
Size: 30/60
Medium: Water color, Oil Paint, Spray Paint, Ink
Plot: Dancer is a work trying to imitate the Japanese art values. The technique behind it is very experimental and at points accidental.
از کوچه عبور خواهم کرد,از سیاهی عبور خواهم کرد,پیراهن سیاهم را به دست باد خواهم سپرد
گیسوانم نوازشگر آسمان خواهد شد
دستانم را با دستان تو پیوند خواهم زد
دستانم را در خاک کویر خواهم کاشت
سبز خواهد شدو با خورشید می آمیزم
می دانم در انتهای جاده خونین
نور منتظر ما خواهد بود
شیرین پیله وری 1389
I will pass the street
I will pass the dark
I will give my black dress to the wind
My hair will caress the sky
I would like to link my hands with your hands
I will put my hands in the soil,planting desert
Going green and making love with sun
I know at the end of the bloody road
Light will waite for us
By Shirin Pilehvari 2010