AMP connects artists and behind-the-scenes collaborators of all genres, including musicians, painters, performance artists, writers, dancers, and many more, with resources, opportunities, and personal connections. Many AMPers also provide free temporary lodging for other members. With thousands of members in 86 countries, AMP enthusiastically and energetically builds bridges between artists, audiences, and producers through our website, as well as at AMP-hosted parties and multimedia events worldwide. AMP is free to join. The only 'cost' is your energy and enthusiasm in building a global artistic community and helping fellow artists.
mdcooks's picture

MD Cooks, Star Spangled Manner

mdcooks's picture

Blue Again

aanji's picture


Unlike a painter, a photographer starts with something finished, and works backwards.

— Anonymous

aanji's picture

Collaborative effort

There are always two people in every photograph - the photographer and the viewer

— Ansel Adams

aanji's picture

rules and photography

There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.

— Ansel Adams

DaryaMarusa's picture

Darya Marusa

Darya Marusa
aanji's picture


aanji's picture

Notso Koi

Notso Koi
aanji's picture

lines in the sand

lines in the sand
aanji's picture

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain
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