
PhoenixArte's picture

I've been trying to upload an image for three days now - can't get anything but a little red x. I've changed the size to weblog size, changed to .gif from .jpg and now I can't even get a preview of it. Argh...

I'm supposed to be upstairs doing "stuff" - - - all I want to do is work on some art. Summers are tough - kids around all the time, breaks concentration. I admire artists who can get work done while their children are home. Those who will peacefully sit with Mom or Dad, creating their own art. Is this a myth? Mine always have questions, want to go somewhere, etc.

Of course, that's family life. I LOVE family life, but sometimes I get in my art "zone" and I want to build walls around me. So I don't even start art because I don't want to wall off my family that way...