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American Gamelan Institute
The American Gamelan Institute supports and documents Gamelan music of all kinds. They're "devoted to publishing, recording, distributing, and making available information on all aspects of Indonesian performing arts and their international counterparts."

Just Plain Folks
Just Plain Folks is meant to be a way to make music community around the world, as well as help musicians in any way possible. They have chapters across the USA, members around the world, and conduct live music events where they have chapters. Featuring a fantastic set of advice forums, this is what they say about the site: "We are a community of over 40,000 Songwriters, Recording Artists, Music Publishers, Record Labels, Performing Arts Societies, Educational Institutions, Recording Studios and Engineers, Producers, Legal Professionals, Publicists and Journalists, Publications, Music Manufacturers and Retailers and about every other type of member of the Music Industry. We are glad to have you with us, and our motto is...We're all in this together!"