Lost in a circle of feminine...
Dripping spit to shaking my head like a cartoon character...
Fast like my face doesn't exist...
Did I do that!?
Did I just say that?
Sitting in a classroom filled with energy that escapes my integritty...
I just want to taste the cream on the cake... but.
thoughts settle in into what I live...
I cannot taste...
the thoughts must be enough...
The feelings won't vanish...
The sites don't cease.
The intelligence splashes my imagination fills...
My poor imagination cannot take the overkill.
I sit up and focus.
I inhale and exhale.
I let my mind zoom into what I should be focused on...
I realize I am lost in a sea of beauty curling... like waves at the ocean in the morning before they arrive.
They are not here to walk their dogs.
I play in the water to release my week.
I dive back in and still I think...
If only I could lick the cream.
If only I could shift my theme.
If only I could have one night.
The smiles encourage but I don't dare.
In just one moment this all flashed by.
In just one breath.
In just one sigh.
A smile that lingers in my heart is greater...
I have to pause these thought for later.
But then... what will be?
For now I zero in on me.
No cream or cake or tastes or nibbles...
Just air to fill my lungs.
No kibble,
just bits.
I wipe my mouth and let it go.