NYC reading

Maddy's picture

In conjunction with the solo exhibitions of Maddy Rosenberg and Stephane Dumas this month at Safe-T-Gallery, please join us for an evening of readings by Tom LaFarge, Wendy Walker, Jessie Stead and Bethany Wright this Thursday, May 4th, at 7 PM.

Tom La Farge, in keeping with the architectural visions of Rosenberg’s paintings will be reading an excerpt from his most recent novel, The Broken House, describing the Roohaneeya Theater, an invented space in a composite world where a poet has gone to see a play encased by the theater itself and the sightlines it offers.

Wendy Walker will continue on an architectural theme as she reads a selection from A Story out of Omarie about an11th century French woman who is abandoned at sea by her family, is subsequently given to the ruler of a North African kingdom, and her personal experience of the surrounding Islamic architecture.

Jessie Stead will read from an on-going collection entitled anonymous short fiction, brief writings pieced together from bits of discarded American English from other moments and employed at later dates to describe obscure measures of consciousness. Commenting on Dumas’s fascination with “skin,” the selected pieces deal especially with disorientations of physical and emotional dimensions.

Bethany Wright, poet and performance artist, will read mixed excerpts from "Un-Sea, The Ebbs," "Plight," and "Tributaries." These works examine the metaphorical skin as they configure a female protagonist via ecstatic language hinging on constellational points and forces that both surround and comprise the unnamable (her).

And, if you haven’t already, please check out John Haber’s articles: (4.22.06)

111 Front St. Room 214
Brooklyn NY 11201
718 782 5920