An old dog learns new tricks

J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

For 30 years I've written poetry, which I started publishing about 25 years ago. Always the poetry, just poetry. In Cape Town, my best friend and I ran the school newspaper ... well ... there was another editor involved, but WE did all the work. I was an art editor in another school journal when I returned to the U.S.

The point is, until I started publishing The Poetry Victims in 2004, I never published (even attempted to publish) anything but poetry and photographs. In The Poetry Victims, I add commentary of my own to the rest of the issue which is in email format, for instance, compared to the blog ring versions.

This year, I'm doing away with the email version entirely. I'll use the blogs for commentary and content, the whole jig.

Suddenly, this year I am also publishing articles, stories and blog entries (like this one) in various magazines. I am busier than when I was busy! What excitement, yet somehow I am undone by the whole thing.

Good God, more deadlines!

What am I thinking?

I want it all!