Call for artists, Artist-in-Residence, New York University

AMP's picture

from Franklin Furnace

I hope this finds you well. The Humanistic Medicine Program is pleased to put out a call for a new Artist-In-Residence (AIR). The AIR will be hired for a 2-year term to help design and facilitate arts programming for medical students, staff, and faculty with various levels of arts experience.

Any NYC-based artist is eligible for this position. We are looking for a candidate with a strong passion for creating art and demonstrated experience teaching or facilitating events. More information about the position is available here.

Please consider applying here

and reach out to me ( or 212-263-2671) with any questions. We welcome you to also share this opportunity with anyone who may be interested.


Jordan Reif, MBE she/her/hers

Program Manager

Humanistic Medicine Program

Office of Student Affairs

NYU Grossman School of Medicine