Dream Symbols - Suicide

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Sorry, folks - unfortunately, news of a suicide yesterday inspired this one - but this symbol isn't always included in most dream dictionaries....

At this time of year, when fall is turning to winter and the animals and plants are going into hibernation to awaken renewed in the spring, we are reminded of the natural cycle of life, death and rebirth. While dreams of death are rarely associated with physical death, suicide has a slightly different meaning.

You may have heard the saying, "Depression is anger turned inward." Suicide is a form of aggression toward the self, a sign of feelings turning inward that can cause destruction without the possibility of rebuilding. Anger and depression can literally kill the spirit unless one remembers that emotions, feelings and events are actually external to who we are at our core. At our core, we are peaceful and loving - negative feelings and events don't have to affect us when we choose to watch them through the window instead of answering the door.

Have you been carrying around feelings of guilt, shame or despair that you can't seem to shake? Has there been an ongoing problem that you are avoiding or can't see the light at the end of the tunnel? Your dream is giving you a clear message that you'd better deal with these feelings or situations before they do kill you with physical, emotional or spiritual pain.

Suicide is a cry for help, albeit a bit too late. Do you have trouble asking for help? Perhaps you were abused as a child and your parents failed to protect you. Have you asked for and expected help from people you trusted in the past but somehow they failed you? For some, experiences like these can do some serious damage to faith and trust in others. If you can't identify someone that you feel comfortable going to for support, ask your dreams for guidance. Of course, if suicidal feelings are troubling you in waking life, seek professional help immediately.

If your dream involved another person's suicide, you'll need to consider several angles. Have you been doing something to hurt this person in waking life and feeling guilty? Your dream is telling you that it's time to come clean. Perhaps they are the one who is asking for your help and you've let them down.

Remember that in dreams, objects are frequently not what they appear to be on the surface. Take a look at what the person symbolizes for you - are they a mother, father, male, female, authoritative figure, etc? They could symbolize a part of your self or someone you're at odds with in waking life. Perhaps your dream is simply pointing to a pattern or trait that you haven't liked for a long time and would like to "kill" off.

By what method did the suicide occur? What was the setting or circumstances? With all dreams, the meaning of the symbol depends on the context of the situation and other symbols surrounding it. Make note of the symbols that stand out the most - these symbolize the core meaning. A good guideline is to ask, "Who, what, when, where, how and why" as well as making note of colors, numbers, names, the weather and anything else that stands out, even if it seems ridiculous or out of place.

Be sure to keep track of your dreams in your journal. The unconscious tends to produce a series of dreams related to strong issues and you will have a clearer understanding of your dream when you can integrate all that you've been given. For those who have trouble remembering their dreams, simply writing them down can stimulate memory. Try to journal first thing upon waking, without even getting out of bed if possible - there's a little window between sleep and waking consciousness that some dreams fly out of, never to return.

The dreamer is the only true interpreter of the dream - Carl G. Jung

©Parthena Black 2006. If you'd like to use any part of this article, you must request permission. The above is for information only and is not a substitute for medical advice or professional counseling.