moving my film journals here

missumi's picture

I'm moving my myspace blog here. i'm a lazy blogger anyway. a better documentarian hopefully.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

did the whole correction of the screenplay in english and found a little bit of something in it, love the complexity of Kadokawa, not just because it's sorta written in his account. you will see what i mean by that when a year later the movie is out and we go through the stages of his feeling toward women from depising to admiring to finally drifting apart... it's the double twist that i like.

missed the director's call 2a.m. when he wanted to meet me and the DP for some drink out there somewhere in the Beijing street, and just talk, about the screenplay... that'd be so much fun. i do hope there still is chance though. maybe we should have Sake next time.

Monday, October 02, 2006

new move

got into contact with the single most important Naking Massacre Museum in China and will have the real stuff as props!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

A few touchy moments
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

i should have started this memorabilia earlier actually, at first i thought the director wanted a pure silent logical observer sort of documentary, but turned out that there's gotta be emotions involved, my account and my own private feelings. great!

about their film aesthetics, i'm glad they want something extraodinary, something never seen before. i was browsing through some historical pictures and accounts and sometimes it stroke me and spontaneously gave me goosebumps--THAT, is probably something they might achieve. the art of killing. the shadow over your mind.

went to check out a new office place 26th, ironically enough, the whole area is the property of some Japanese corp's. we are renting their mini gym to redecorate into a production studio. they are sure gonna freak out when they walk in and see huge pictures of their grandfathers etc. beheading someone-well that might be a better case actually, others means of torture are just unhuman.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

film journal
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

never really liked blog stuff--or rather, blaaaahg. but since i took up this once in a life time job as assistant for Lu Chuan on the film about Nanjing Massacre, someone dawned on me that i should at least keep a decent record of it. plus, i'm the documentary director for this project (hey, someone say Mrs Coppola? as in the documentary case for Mr Coppola's Apocalypse Now), this could help.

started working on the scenen summery, first time felt like shit. then i looked thoroughly and started applying the script analysis method--free association, reading the subtext and stuff--that no Chinese film school would care to teach and felt much better. even shed some tearz over the 40,000 people massacre part.

i'm putting aside all my classes in school for this. a one year commitment.--even longer than most of my relationships.