from Franklin Furnace
The Day de Dada Performance Art Collective announces the Apres Avant Garde Festival, to take place October 1, 2017, on the Staten Island Ferry.
The event will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 5th Annual Avant Garde Festival, which happened on the Staten Island Ferry on September 30, 1967. The Apres Avant Garde Festival will have elements of the original festival including dance, music, video, and interactive performance.
Artists and performers are encouraged to submit performance concepts for inclusion in the event. Work that is non-obtrusive, interactive, accessible, inclusive, and participatory is encouraged. Your audience will be people of all ages and backgrounds. Join our event with an interesting costume, short dance, music, or word piece – or send us a proposal with your idea!
Performances will begin in Staten Island at 1:00 pm, travel to the ferry and across to Manhattan, perform in the ferry terminal, and make the return ferry trip to Staten Island.
Interested participants should send proposals to by August 30, 2017. Include your contact information, a brief description of your proposed performance, and one or two photos if available. Artists will be notified by early September.
For more information email see the Apres Avant Garde page at