Full-time tenure track positions open at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver

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from e-flux

Emily Carr University of Art + Design
1399 Johnston Street
Vancouver BC V6H 3R9



Emily Carr University of Art + Design, located in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, is a world leader in art and design education and research, merging critical theory, studio practice and research in an interdisciplinary and collaborative environment.

Faculty positions

We invite applications for full-time, tenure track faculty positions commencing August 2015 in the following disciplines:

Assistant Professor - Sculpture
Closing date is January 14, 2015.

Assistant Professor - Studio Art
Closing date is January 16, 2015.

All qualified persons are encouraged to apply, however, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. Emily Carr University of Art + Design is committed to employment equity.