The Institute for Art and Olfaction is looking for project proposals

AMP's picture

A central part of The Institute for Art and Olfaction's programming mission lies in creating opportunity for innovative ideas and executions around olfaction.

Launching in 2013, our residency program will pair creative practitioners with people working in the field of olfaction. Together, they will implement specific cross-genre creative projects that involve a strong element of scent.

We are currently accepting project submissions. Proposals for the 2013 programming cycle are due by 5pm (PST) on Feb 1, 2013.

More information:

Based in our experimental laboratory in downtown Los Angeles, the IAO will partner with professionals in the fragrance and flavors industry to provide:

- A studio workspace
- An expert in the field of scent as co-resident
- A part time project assistant
- A project mentor
- The supplies needed to bring the project through to fruition
- A supportive environment in which to implement a self-directed, collaborative project
- Access to critiques and feedback from experts in the field
- Access to academic institutions, galleries, museums through IAO partnerships
- Promotion: Press and PR

We are looking for projects that meld creative, applied and intellectual practices with the olfactory arts, and have a specific tangible or sensory output (for instance, but not limited to: an exhibition, installation, essay, design, scent, or product). Projects must be capable of being implemented in a specific time frame, ranging from one to four months.

Required application materials:

1. Applicant contact information
2. Applicant biography and website
3. Any supporting documents that relate to the proposed project: Plans, images, articles, for example.
4. Two letters of recommendation from people who have worked or collaborated with the applicant for a minimum of one year.
5. A two-page project summary. Be sure to include:
- A brief project summary (one paragraph or less)
- The specific goals of the project
- A step-by-step plan on how the applicant will implement the project
- The desired project timeline (we accommodate projects as short as 1 week and as long as 3 months)
- What sort of olfactory and non-olfactory assistance the applicant will need (e.g. a perfumer, a bio-chemist, an astronaut…)
- Any existing or desired community or organizational affiliations for the project (bullet points)
- How this project fits into the applicant's greater creative practice or field of study, or field of interest (one paragraph or less)


- The residents are expected to meet (in person or virtually) for a minimum of five hours a week during the term of the residency.
- The residents are expected to meet (in person or virtually) every two weeks with their project mentor to assess challenges and progress.
- The residents to be provided a working laboratory, with supplies and oils in accordance with the needs defined at the beginning of the residency.
- The residents are expected to meet their project goals in accordance with the timeline and terms set up at the beginning of the residency.
- The residents are expected to participate in public programming in accordance with the terms set up at the beginning of the residency.
- As representatives of the IAO, the residents are expected to present and promote their work, the program and the IAO in a thoughtful manner, consistent with the organizational vision.
- The residents are expected to make themselves available for press, as required.
- Please note: As an emergent non-profit, at this moment the IAO is not capable of providing airfare, accommodations or transportation. Please bear in mind that the experimental lab is located in downtown Los Angeles.


How to Apply:

To apply, please send your application materials to Please include your name and project title in the subject field. We will make every effort to respond to every applicant, and will ask for supplemental materials as needed. Proposals for the 2013 programming cycle are due by 5pm (PST) on Feb 1, 2013.

More information can be found at

Questions or comments? Please email us at:

from LA Culture Net