"Call for Submissions!
The Fellowship for Utopian Practice
What is your utopian ideal? Beginning in Spring 2012, Culture Push is
initiating a new Fellowship program aimed at artists and other professionals
seeking to test new ideas through civic engagement. The Fellowship is open
to professionals working in any discipline seeking to expand their practice
beyond its traditional borders.
The Fellowship provides seed money for your proposed project, fiscal
sponsorship for additional fundraising, access to materials, and development
and promotional support. Projects should be highly interactive and engage
the public.
Please send us:
a. Project Description
b. Budget Overview
c. Resume / CV
d. Work Samples
Please follow the guidelines on our website at
http://culturepush.org/?q=node/25311. Submissions are due Tuesday, February
14th 2012 by 11:59PM."
Culture Push is an arts organization that works with hands-on learning,
problem solving, serious play, and creating connections. Founded in 2007,
organization’s concept sprang from the shared vision of the current
Aki Sasamoto, Clarinda Mac Low, FF Alumn, and Arturo Vidich.
from Franklin Furnace