NEU/NOW Festival: Call for Nominations (deadline June 15)

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European League of Institutes of the Arts
Beulingstraat 8
1017BA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 626 54 67
Fax: +31 20 626 77 51

Deadline for nominations: 15 June
LIVE in Tallinn, Estonia, 18-22 November

NEU/NOW Festival 2011

Live in Tallinn, Estonia, 18-22 November 2011

Online at

Deadline for nominations is 15 June!

The NEU/NOW Festival is an innovative international platform for talented graduating artists (or those who have recently graduated) – coming out of Higher Arts Education Institutions and Universities across Europe and beyond – to present themselves to a wider international audience within a professional arts context.

Artists (as individuals or groups) are nominated, by their institution, within one of the following five discipline categories:

Visual Arts | Design | Theatre/Dance | Music/Sound | Film

Nominations can be submitted online until 15 June.

Nominating institutions must be ELIA members, ELIA associate members, or ELIA non-European Members.

More info and nomination form at

ELIA - the European League of Institutes of the Arts is the primary international network organisation for higher arts education. With over 300 members in 47 countries, it represents some 300,000 students.

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