Artists Wanted for Park[ing] Day LA

AMP's picture

From LA Culture Net:

Dear Artists,

This coming Friday September 18th, we celebrate Park[ing] Day LA, when artists, architects, designers, restaurant owners, various businesses, neighborhood councils, and activists will step up to the curb, put a quarter into the meter, and create a temporary park in a parking space.

Park[ing] Day originated in 2005 when Rebar, a San Francisco based art and design collective, transformed a metered parking spot into a park-for-a-day in an effort to make a public comment on the lack of quality open space in American cities.

I've been involved with Park[ing] Day in Los Angeles (and have created all of LA's online presence), since it's beginning in 2007 and I would love for LA Culture Net readers to be involved in this fun event.

Parks are for recreation and for remembrance, parks are for play and for theater. Parks are for working out, and parks are for swimming and for drinking. Parks are for reading and writing and parks are for painting and pondering and sculpting. Parks are for meditation and parks are for romance but most of all parks are for people!

I hope you will join me and us!

To learn more about Park[ing] Day LA, visit and or our facebook page with a bunch of links to fill you in at and you can also visit us on

To see participants and to add yourself to the map go to .

You can email me anytime with any questions and or suggestions!

Cheers and a wonderful weekend to you all!


posted on LA Culture Net