Art Recycle by Day de Dada in 2010. Recycle - resuse - reimagine art at a Day de Dada event. Audience members are encouraged to interact and change found and donated art to create new images and new ideas.
Venues include Second Saturday Staten Island, Chateau Dada, Art at Bay and Art by the Ferry.
More info at
We are getting ourselves in gear for a new season of Dada art on Staten Island. The Eternal Knitter, Alergic to B's and I are sending out announcements for our Confab on April 4th at ETG Book Cafe. We hope to get a lively group together on the 4th to plan an "Art Parade" at the Staten Island Art by the Ferry Festival on June 6th. Art by the Ferry is a new festival (only the second year) but plans are buzzing and we hope to bring some perfomance art into it on a larger scale than last year.
Day de Dada is a performance art collective based in Staten Island, NY. We are planning our schedule for 2009 and have a few events lined up. The events are open to all and we welcome colaborative performances. The theme this year is art and commerce.
Saturday April 4th, 2009 "Day de Dada Confab" at Cafe ETG
Join us for a meeting/performance at Cafe ETG (208 Bay Street, SI, NY)
6:00 to 8:00 pm We'll be meeting to plan for our annual “Day de Dada” event to be held at Art by the Ferry in June 2009.
8:00 to 10:00 pm will be an open mic for the Dada group. Come and try out something you've been working on. The theme is art and commerce.
more info at