...sounds interesting...
The Sound of Failure 2008
Sound art festival
(Sydney, Australia)
Bookings: http://factorytheatre.com.au
Website: http://SoundOfFailure.com
Following on from the (ironic) success of last year's festival, Sound
of Failure 2008 brings together over forty local and international
sound artists in numerous venues to surprise, shock and entertain.
Many of these artists have attempted to transcend the small
rectangular screens and the latest Microsoft releases, opting instead
to look at unintended consequences of technology – when it misbehaves
or just gives up the ghost.
Internationally renowned torturers of electronic toys, Toydeath, will
unleash their circuit bent mayhem on the Factory Theatre along with 15
New project from David Byrne in New York City's Battery Maritime Building.
Scroll down the screen to watch the video.
I saw this posted in the latest e-newsletter from Art4Development (find out more about them at http://www.art4development.net)
Change the Picture - exhibition and advocacy campaign
Exhibition: 14th July, Baltic Restaurant, 74 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8HA
PhotoVoice has embarked on its first postcard advocacy campaign using images and stories taken by sex workers and vulnerable women in the East End of London. Drawing attention to the hopes, dreams and realities of their life, the campaign will culminate in an exhibition bringing together policy makers, representatives from the justice department and service providers. For more information or to view postcards please go to http://www.changethepicture.org.uk
Or email April Coetzee: april@photovoice.org
Graffiti Artist Banksy has turned a South London Tunnel into a Half-Mile Long Exhibition
LONDON.- Graffiti artist Banksy has turned a south London tunnel into a half-mile long exhibition space, but the elusive artist kept its location secret until the last minute, reported the BBC. Banksy marshaled more than three dozen international artists for what he's calling the "Cans Festival" — and is encouraging visitors to contribute their own graffiti starting Saturday.
Members of the public are being invited to take part in Banksy's latest project in London, as an army of graffiti writers turn a whole street into an art exhibition. The organizers' Web site - http://www.thecansfestival.com - makes the "rules of engagement" clear:
Reviving a creative nation
Cate Blanchett and Julianne Schultz
April 16, 2008
To flourish, society depends on a strong cultural heritage as well as
innovation. The challenge is to breathe new life into the arts.
CREATIVITY is at the heart of every successful nation. It finds
expression in great visual art, wonderful music, fabulous
performances, stunning writing, gritty new productions and countless
other media. Giving form to our innate human creativity is what
defines us to ourselves and the world.
This is what the arts have always done. Think back to any significant
time in the past and the chances are that it is the creative output
of the time that comes to mind — from rock art in remote caves to the
50th Anniversary of the Debut of the Peace Logo Celebrated
ALDERMASTON, UK.-The 50th anniversary of the debut of the peace logo
and the first Aldermaston march was marked by the family of designer
Gerald Holtom by traveling to Aldermaston. Gerald Holtom died in
1985. He designed the logo in 1958 for a march and based it on the
fallen arms of a man in despair, while the semaphore signals for "N"
and "D" combine within the circle of life.
Darius and Rebecca Holtom, his son and daughter, travelled from
Montpellier in France to join the rally.
Darius Holtom, aged 41, said: "It's hard to believe it has taken off
and has dispersed miraculously all around the world. I think it's
amazing, and it's great there's at least a symbolt that people can
ZER01 Invites the World To Experience Art on the Edge at 2nd Biennial 01SJ Global Festival
SAN JOSE, CA.- ZER01, organizers of 01SJ, a Global Festival of Art on the Edge, announced plans for its second biennial festival here, June 4-8. 01SJ will feature transformative and provocative new works from world-renowned artists and performers at the cross-section of contemporary art, technology, and culture. The five-day Festival will incorporate exhibitions, films, concerts, performances, happenings, and nightlife occurring throughout downtown San Jose's parks, public streets, museums, theaters, and clubs.
Sonic Arts Network presents the first in a series of six episodes for the Sonic Arts Network podcast series.
SAN explores the outer edges of sound and music, from artists working within the fields of sound art, noise, electronic music, modern composition, field recordings, drone music and anything else that straddles the term sonic art. We will also present work that connects to the live, education and publishing work of the organisation.
Presented by Jonathan Webb
This was posted on the soundasart Yahoo! Groups listserv.
AMPsterdam Brunch
Sunday, March 30, 2008
11:30am - 2:30pm
Bar Struik
Rozengracht 160
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Click here for a map of Bar Struik.
Hosted by AMPsterdam AMP Coordinators Federico Hewson and Kim Chandler (at right)
RSVP to AMPsterdam@gmail.com by Friday, March 28!!!
Join us at AMP's first ever meet up brunch in Amsterdam!
This casual social gathering, to be held at the ever creative centre, Bar Struik, is for AMPers and wannabe AMPers to meet each other and generate creative opportunities and connections as well as introducing some details about upcoming AMPsterdam events.
Click here to check out the Body of Art exhibit here on the AMP Website.
The opening reception on March 15 was a fantastic success with great performances from Nathalie Broizat, Scot Nery, Holmes, Nance Broderzen, and Ronnie Cramer, and great attendance too.
Look here to see more pictures from that night.