AMP connects artists and behind-the-scenes collaborators of all genres, including musicians, painters, performance artists, writers, dancers, and many more, with resources, opportunities, and personal connections. Many AMPers also provide free temporary lodging for other members. With thousands of members in 86 countries, AMP enthusiastically and energetically builds bridges between artists, audiences, and producers through our website, as well as at AMP-hosted parties and multimedia events worldwide. AMP is free to join. The only 'cost' is your energy and enthusiasm in building a global artistic community and helping fellow artists.
lindakentartist's picture

Hanging Together ToothySmile and TiredPerson; 2008

Hanging Together ToothySmile and TiredPerson; 2008

I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink. These I colored in...and tried mixing brushes and pens.
All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page. These 2 are engagingly tacked up next to each other..

lindakentartist's picture

Hanging Together ToothySmile and TiredPerson, detail --TiredPerson smartblurred; 2008

Hanging Together ToothySmile and TiredPerson, detail --TiredPerson smartblurred; 2008

Same one smartblurred. I never used to do color but actually have learned something about it by messing about with PS.


lindakentartist's picture

Hanging Together ToothySmile and TiredPerson, detail --TiredPerson; 2008

Hanging Together ToothySmile and TiredPerson, detail --TiredPerson; 2008

I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page. These 2 are engagingly tacked up next to each other..

lindakentartist's picture

EscaLady with Purse; 2008

EscaLady with Purse; 2008

I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page. If I hate the other drawings, I cut them out.
I like this woman's lips.

lindakentartist's picture

3 Stcked heads, detail -- bottom face; 2008

3 Stcked heads, detail -- bottom face; 2008

I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
All these pictures are on normal size paper, 8x11ish, usually from one to six faces crammed on a page.

lindakentartist's picture

needs a shave and colorfacechick at a seaside bar, detail -- his face

needs a shave and colorfacechick at a seaside bar, detail -- his face

I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink. these arediff because I colored them in with some cheapo pencils. I've been mixing pens and brushes. Maybe this is what I get for drawing by candlelight...

lindakentartist's picture

needs a shave and colorfacechick detail-- her face (smartblurred); 2008

needs a shave and colorfacechick detail-- her face (smartblurred); 2008

This is the same picture smartblurred

lindakentartist's picture

needs a shaveand colorfacechick detail - her face; 2008

needs a shaveand colorfacechick detail - her face; 2008

I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
This is different because I colored it in with cheapo colored pencils woefully lacking in colrs that aren't green,pink, or yellow. I've been mixing brush and pen.

lindakentartist's picture

needs a shave and colorface chick at a seaside bar; 2008

needs a shave and colorface chick at a seaside bar; 2008

I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
These are unusual because I colored them in with some cheapo colored pencils.

lindakentartist's picture

big brush faces with a foetal position; 2008

big brush faces with a foetal position; 2008

I never had any formal art instruction. I don't know what I'm drawing till it's done.
And even then I don't necessarily know. I almost always draw directly with ink.
Lately I've been mixing pens and brushes. This is a test picture. Do you see an inkblot in this? What does it look like to you?

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