Call for Papers: Performance Research Journal (proposal due January 26)

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Performance Research call for papers,

Performance Research
Volume 14, No. 4 (December 2009) 'Transplantations'
Issue Editors: Ric Allsopp & Phillip Warnell

'In body, one hears at the same time border and order: the order of a real,
physical exteriority, only equalled by material impenetrability. A body is
penetrable only from the perspective of one kind of reasoning, either that
of assimilation or its opposite, destruction.' Jean-Luc Nancy

Notions and practices that correlate with ideas on the transplanted form
encompass a range of perceptions, activities and interventions traversing
the formation of bodies, their somatic dimensions and constitution. They
conceive of the body as a corporeal, spatial, cultural and social being,
along with thoughts on bodies as being space producers, sphere inhabitants
or bio-technological interfaces. Using the term 'transplantation' itself,
along with other trans related points of departure and modes of exploration
- transposition, translation - this issue of Performance Research invites
contributions that highlight connections and insights into the guises and
zones of transplantation, providing links and ideas on the stretching,
rendering and formation of the decentred, displaced, denatured or
amalgamated body: whether partial, singular or plural in form. The issue
Editors are seeking contributions that are situated within the thematics of
each or all of three interrelated areas:

• Guest/ host relationships; The possessed body - disguise and ventriloquism
in performance; Intimate distances or the distance of intimacy; Implanted
objects and technologically augmented functionality; Ingestion and
extraordinary forms of eating; Psychic and physical fragmentation - the
séance as a place of travel and channel: of departure, arrival, spectacle,
transmission and reception between beings and worlds; Archival extraction
and mobilization (including re-enactments); The psychology of phantom and
detached limb behaviour (beheadedness?); The aesthetics (and representation)
of embodiment and its affects [...]

• Historical, medical, symbolic and ritual use, storage and preservation of
organic material and its associated material culture (Canopic jars, organ
transporters); The symbolism and sacred role of body part removal: such as
castration, removal of the tongue and eye; The camera as an external organ;
Visible supplements – the consideration of auras, halos, charisma etc;
Immaterial agencies and modes of contamination - radioactivity or viral
forms [...]

• Spatial organisation and disputed territories (transplantation and bodily
construction in horticulture and its forms, allotments, hybridisation);
displacement and the ethics of place; Aloneness and placelessness; The
in-between, lacunae and production of space; Post-colonial approaches to
ideas and histories of plantation and the transplantation of cultures and
peoples; Remote presence and shared forms of perception; Conceptual and
geographic displacements of art works and institutions [...]

'Transplantations' invites artists, practitioners and theorists to submit
proposals for critical articles (between 2,000 - 6,000 words), documents,
interviews, artist's pages or other forms of contribution which position
transplantation in relation to the contexts and discourses of contemporary
culture, and to expanded and open concepts of performance,
performance-making and artwork.

Deadlines for the issue are as follows:

Proposals: 26 January 2009
Draft manuscripts: 24 April 2009
Finalised material: 22 June 2009
Publication Date: December 2009

ALL proposals, submissions and general enquiries should be sent direct to:

Sandra Laureri
Administrator - Performance Research
Centre for Performance Research (CPR)
The Foundry
SY23 3AJ
Wales, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1970 628716
Fax: +44 (0)1970 622132

Editorial enquires should be directed to Ric Allsopp or
Phillip Warnell

General Guidelines for Submissions

Performance Research is MAC based. Proposals will be accepted in hard copy,
on CD or by e-mail (MS-Word or RTF). Please DO NOT send images
electronically without prior agreement.

Please note that submission of a proposal will be taken to imply that it
presents original, unpublished work not under consideration for publication
elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) agree that the
exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article have been given to
Performance Research.

Posted on Franklin Furnace's listserv.