Call to LA Area artists - Trojan Horse! (deadline August 8)

AMP's picture


The Millard Sheets Center for the Arts located at Fairplex, Pomona,
California, is seeking three artist teams from the greater Los
Angeles area to compete against one another to create a 3-
dimensional, modern-day interpretation of the Trojan Horse. This
public art opportunity is in conjunction with the exhibition at the
Millard Sheets Center for the Arts, HOOFPRINTS:The Horse in Art,
Legend, and Action.

The tournament will take place live in front of the fair-going
audience of more than 1.5 million, from September 5-28, 2008. Because
Fairplex is committed to sustainability, the tournament materials for
the Trojan Horse sculptures will be constructed from the Fair´s
material stockpile, which has been accumulating since the early
1920s. Fairplex has generously offered this gift of recyclable
resources so that these materials might once again see the light of
the thriving Fair.

Teams will consist of one lead artist and up to seven (7) artists/
technician helpers. Teams chosen to participate in this competition
will be amazed at the multitude of construction supplies available to
them. Materials include, but are not limited to, lumber, metal,
glass, concrete, rubber/plastics, old vehicles, forklift, motors, 12
engine blocks, electrical paraphernalia, conduit, cables, etc. This
is truly a Trojan´s trove!

Stockpile photos:

For More Information and Entry Form:

This was posted on LA Culture Net.