The Cardiff Grandma Chapter 59

lindakentartist's picture

\For earlier Chapters and an explanation of this dreadful story, see blog: The Cardiff Grandma. WARNING: This novel contains fake Welsh.
In the last episode, Sunny Quito tapes himself listening to Rhoda Crwys, but now it’s time for a four sentence interlude.
The Cardiff Grandma Chapter 59

Samantha Panther wasn’t dead. She’d forgotten her brush with death an hour earlier, and since she hadn’t reminded herself to remember it later she wouldn’t. Now, she was aboard the (haven’t thought of a name just yet), and since every form of recording equipment had either been swallowed or floated away she was reduced to taking mental notes: ‘cramped quarters’ ‘engine noise throbbing’ ‘no, scratch that – make it ‘sputtering’.’ ‘am on the platform from which the captain controls the ship.’ ‘some sort of briny liquid flows below us – what is it?’

Then she graciously forgot about that too –all just water under the bridge – and as she finished putting it out of her mind, the ship gave a tremendous howl and came to a stop. Somewhere in the vast Mojave desert, a coyote lurched.