
AMP's picture

1053 Budapest, Képíró u. 6.
phone: +36-70/7798132
LABOR was founded in September, 2007 as a joint initiative of C³ Centre for Culture & Communication Foundation, the Studio of Young Artists Association (FKSE) and the Hungarian University of Fine Arts (MKE) in place of the former Studio Gallery. In 2009 – contemporary art program has joined the collaboration. LABOR is a platform where the objectives of partner institutions appear jointly:
* support of emerging artists
* projects related to the contemporary art education
* experimental initiatives advancing or reflecting on the structural changes of the contemporary art world
* cooperation between art and the scientific and technical domains
* events organized in the framework of international collaborations
The purpose of this collaboration is to create a flexible, shared (art) space that provides a platform for art research as well as exhibitions, projects and occasional events. LABOR aims to emphasize the social responsibility of contemporary art and its knowledge-generating role. It organizes discursive programs to strengthen the debate- and discussion-culture of the local art world involving other fields of culture. LABOR creates a reading room and a library where current theoretical texts, magazines, and publications on visual culture will be available for research.

TRANSPRAXIS International Center for Art and Theory
Hungarian University of Fine Arts
Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem
Andrássy út 69-71
Budapest, 1062
t +361 666 2595