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Funen Art Academy
Brandts Torv 1
Odense C
t + 45 66 11 12 88
f + 45 66 19 26 88

Krabbesholm Højskole
Krabbesholm Allé 15
DK 7800 Skive

Founded in 1885, Krabbesholm is an old college rich in tradition. Occupying a special niche between a high school and university, Krabbesholm College is a Danish højskole which teaches subjects associated with art, architecture and design. The højskole is a social experiment in which social interaction is crucial to its students' education, and teaching is anti-authoritarian and opposed to the narrow structures of the established educational system. As a result, subjects at the højskole are never taught for their own sake, and the strictly professional is not viewed as interesting in itself. Instead, the topics taught must be wider in scope and take as their point of departure the individual and the fundamental issues of human existence. The spirit of experimentation animates Krabbesholm College's interest in collaborating with artists, architects and designers from both Denmark and abroad. New ideas often developed in concert with visiting artists result in projects of great importance to the students and the school.