
AMP's picture

Extra City
Kunsthal Antwerpen
Tulpstraat 79, BE-2060 Antwerp
Tel/fax +32 (0)3 677 1655

Rue Delaunoy 58 B6
1080 Brussels

Libre Graphics Research Unit (LGRU)
Donatella Portoghese
Fortstraat 5
1060 Brussels
t 00 32 2 5392467
The Libre Graphics Research Unit is a traveling lab where new ideas for creative tools are developed. Its diverse activities range from the practical to the theoretical via writing, research meetings, experimental prototyping, conferences and workshops. The Research Unit is an initiative of four European media-labs actively engaged in Free/Libre and Open Source Software and Free Culture. This cross-disciplinary project involves artists, designers and programmers and is developed in dialogue with the Libre Graphics community.

The Public School
THE PUBLIC SCHOOL is a school with no curriculum. At the moment, it operates as follows: first, classes are proposed by the public (I want to learn this or I want to teach this); then, people have the opportunity to sign up for the classes (I also want to learn that); finally, when enough people have expressed interest, the school finds a teacher and offers the class to those who signed up.

WARP Contemporary Art Platform
Visit: WARP-koetshuis
Regentiestraat 9 - 11
9100 Sint-Niklaas
Correspondence : Vzw WARP
p.a. Vijfstraten 57
9100 Sint-Niklaas
WARP is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes contemporary art and culture in the Waasland region in Belgium: Sint Niklaas, located between Antwerp and Ghent, is its centre of operation. WARP’s mission is carried out by means of informal and professional encounters in the form of exhibitions, lectures, concerts, performances, portfolio days, summer schools and numerous arts-educational activities. As an organisation we are committed to providing an artistic impulse for the region whilst engaging with the broader cultural network.

Zoo Logical Garden
Family park Harry Malter
Bosheidestraat 15
9070 Heusden (Ghent)

A project which combines an exhibition, a catalog, weblog, videoscreening and discussions into one, while interacting with the context.

...The zoo is a fascinating subject. Throughout many years, it has inspired artists and appealed to their imagination. It is a place where the city reveals its true self: trying to deny its urban character and pretending to be a jungle. To no avail, really, because there is always a glimpse of the city through the carefully staged bushes, the seemingly random winding tracks and the quasi-authentic buildings.
Indirectly, the zoo culture shows strong resemblances with certain tendencies in our society. The artificiality (the cages, the articifial ice floes, the signposts), tourism and child entertainment are recurring features in our society. The economic structures of the animal park are based upon tourist norms and focus on entertaining the visitors. Nevertheless, entertainment is always part of reporting and informing about research, which offers visitors the chance to visualize cultivation techniques, behaviour patterns, conservation and ecology.....