Show Your Art Online with Artists Against War

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Dear friend,

We're coming up to year's end and the holiday season is upon us. But while many of us celebrate, the prospects for 2007 are not bright. In Darfur the bloodshed goes on unabated; in the Gaza Strip a shaky cease-fire is in force, but the killing hasn't stopped; in Lebanon civil conflict threatens at any moment to slide into open violence.

In this bleak outlook, it is up to us as artists to look beyond our immediate concerns and take a broader view of our tormented world. As the cannons continue to roar, the Muses must not remain silent ! Our creativity must protest at death and destruction !

Therefore please join our initiative for a permanent exhibition - international and online - of artists against the war. Visit our website at and see that dozens of artists have responded to our appeal by sending in work for display. We hope you too will be inspired to take part in the project. Join us today !
Best wishes for the festive season !


Distribute this invitation widely across the art world.

Hedva Shemesh