open call for site specific installations

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NewTown Presents an Open Call for All Art Disciplines
"Reconsidering the Arroyo"

Please view complete information, available on our website: www.newtownarts/org

Projected Dates of Show: October 5 & 6, 2013
Location: Lower Arroyo Park, Pasadena (directions at end of call)
Application Deadline: August 28, 2013
Honoraria: minimum $200. An additional grant is anticipated and honorary will go up accordingly.
Contact: Richard Amromin • (626)398-9278) •

Reconsidering the Arroyo will present 15-20 installations and performative installations along a half mile trail in Pasadena's historic Lower Arroyo Park.

In addition to artistic merit, art accepted into the show will be incorporate historical, philosophical, environmental or other issues relevant to Lower Arroyo. A great deal of information is available on line at the following sites.

City of Pasadena overview
Arroyo Seco Foundation Summary
Click on "Complete Document" for very detailed information

Artistic Merit will be the most important curatorial consideration.

Site Specificity and/or appropriateness for the site and situation will be a major curatorial criteria. The closer your proposal comes to specifically addressing Lower Arroyo Park issues and history, the more the panel will smile upon you.

Eco-friendliness will be a big bonus to your application. Works must not alter or harm plants or geology.

If any alterations of site are intended, a brief statement on how you will restore the site is required.
Methods of attachment to existing flora must meet City of Pasadena Natural Resources Division criteria. You will receive advice on this, as needed and upon request.
Self-containment is essential.

Electricity must be provided by artists. Unlike past years, generators will neither be provided nor allowed. Spark-suppressed solar or battery systems are just fine.

Existing work will be considered on its merit. However, when all else is equal, new work will be given preference.

from LA Culture Net