Call for artists for upcoming Art Exhibition: BITE ME

AMP's picture

*What:* Call to Artists for "Bite Me" Art Exhibition
*Where:* McGroarty Arts Center, 7570 McGroarty Terrace, Tujunga, CA 91042
*Deadline:* February 5, 2013 at 5pm. This is not a postmark deadline.
*Description*: The Art Exhibition is a special opportunity for visual
artists from the local community to exhibit and sell their work in themed
and curated gallery spaces. Visual artists working in all mediums are
encouraged to enter the event, though we will favor two dimensional works
such as paintings, photographs and fiber art.

*The theme:* Food. What does food mean to you? Such a simple word, food,
something we all need. At the same time it is a complex topic sparking
social, political, economic, and cultural debate. Is it nutrition or is it
a geo-political lever? What do you like to eat? What is real food? How does
our culture differ from others? How do you eat? Is food simply for fuel or
do you eat it for comfort, cultural holidays, and social gatherings? How is
food related to body image? Is it a symbol of abundance? Power? Submit your
works now!

*Cost:* $10 for 5 works.
*Contact:* Monica Hicks-Jenkins,

from LA Culture Net