Re Act calls for participation, deadlines Oct. 1 and Nov. 1

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Re Act - Call for participation #1

Re Act is part of the Act series, an ongoing digital art project designed to
encourage criticism of contemporary politics. The exhibit Re Act is an
expansion of this concept, and will be part of a curatorial residency at The
Market Studios in Dublin, Ireland.

Artists are invited to use the Act tools for production/inspiration/objects
of critique to generate artwork, this could be any political commentary
relevant to anywhere in the world. The original Act project included the
development of five digital ‘tools’ or ‘guides’, which were then applied to
political content to create artwork. The idea is to use these guides to
create new artwork, in any medium!

Please see the website for more
information and explanatory videos about the Act Series.

The deadline for project submissions is the 1st of October and any
dvd/digital media etc must be sent by 1st November. The planned dates for
the exhibition in the Market Studios are 15th – 30th November ’12. Accepted
submission will get access to the digital tools relevant for the pieces.

To send your submission or to ask for any further details or questions,
contact with the curator can be made via Email: MoBeContact[at]

All are invited to take part


Re Act - Call for submissions of video art pieces #2

Re Act is part of the Act series, an ongoing digital art project designed to
encourage criticism of contemporary politics. The original work included the
development of five digital tools, which were then applied to political
content to create artwork.

The exhibit Re Act is an expansion of this concept, and will be part of a
curatorial residency at The Market Studios in Dublin, Ireland. The videos
will be shown on a video art screening night in the gallery during the
exhibit. Artists are invited to submit video art pieces that are no longer
than 10 minutes, the concepts could be any political commentary relevant to
any sort/place in the world.

The deadline for submission of a synopsis + up to 10 images is the 1st of
October and the videos are expected to be delivered on the 1st of November.
The screening will be on the 29th of November in Dublin.

To send your submission or to ask for any further details or questions,
contact with the curator can be made via Email:MoBeContact[at]

All are invited to take part

from Franklin Furnace