Coagula Art Journal: Ad Space Available

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Coagula Guidelines/Deadlines Nov-Dec 2006


The new season is rolling right along. Art sales are once again breaking records. This past year lots more galleries have opened than have gone out of business, a great indicator of the condition of the marketplace. Coagula Art Journal, November-December Issue #83, goes to press Saturday, October 14th. Distribution throughout the art world will begin a week later. Please contact us to advertise to our readership all activities taking place between 10/20/06 and 1/12/07. Now is a good time to promote your upcoming events, or to inform/remind folks how to find and contact you. If you tend to plan well in advance, this is an opportunity to publish your entire schedule for all or part of the coming year. As you know, space in the magazine is limited, please reserve yours as early as possible. If you, like us, tend to get things done at the last minute, call us anyway, we'll do our best to squeeze in your ad.

Ad Space closes: Saturday, October 14th--
COLOR ads are due no later than October 11th.

Writers please note, editorial submissions are due much earlier: October 5, 2006 (Firm)

New to Coagula? Founded in 1992, Coagula Art Journal is published six times a year and distributed free at 300+ locations, as well as by paid subscription. With a print run of 12,000, Coagula offers the least expensive CPM (cost per thousand) advertising rates in the industry, often at a savings of 85-90% compared with glossier formats. The vast majority of our demographics are middle, upper-middle, and top income levels. Coagula readers like to be in the know about things. Coagula readers support art and cultural activity. Our readers - art fans and art professionals - buy art, art incidentals, clothing, real estate, cars, enjoy fine dining and other luxury items & services. Please consider using Coagula to reinforce your marketing and web activity.

Reach the Art World. Advertise in Coagula.
Contact Michael Salerno at 323.223.6089

Coagula Art Journal
The LowDown on High Art
Subscriptions, boxed sets, and lots more available at

Editorial Guidelines
Coagula publishes articles, essays, features, art world news, opinions, and reviews, dependent upon content and writing style. Traditional press releases, or paraphrased versions thereof, are not suitable for publication. All written copy must be submitted in the body of an email. Please note that no attachments will be received or seen, including jpegs and Word Docs. All submissions are subject to editing for style and libel, and, occasionally, may be condensed due to space limitations. Racist or misogynist, etc. content is unacceptable and will not be published.

As always, your comments and feedback on this service are welcome. If for any reason you no longer wish to be included please let us know. If you are receiving this newsletter for the first time, a mutual friend or colleague indicated that you enjoy being kept informed about art exhibitions, writings and cultural events.

Feel free to forward this message to anyone you believe would appreciate its receipt.
Thanks and best regards,
600 Moulton Avenue, Suite 404
Los Angeles, CA 90031

This was posted on the LA Culture Net listserv.