Curatorial Open Call: apexart Franchise Program

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Your idea, anywhere in the world

Franchise Program

291 Church Street
New York, NY 10013
t 1.212.431.5270

From April 4 - May 2, 2012
apexart holds its 5th annual Franchise Program open call, accepting 500-word exhibition proposals.

Making a comment on the franchise business model, apexart, NYC, annually holds a worldwide open call for proposals for curated group exhibitions to be presented anywhere in the world other than New York City.

From April 4 - May 2, 2012, apexart will accept 500-word creatively written proposals describing your idea for an exhibition. The proposal should be clearly written, with the major emphasis on explaining the concept, as the only instructions given to the more than 100 jurors from around the world is to, 'identify the best exhibitions.' The city for the exhibition must be listed as well as the curator/organizer's location of residence. Often there is a greater effect when exhibitions take place outside of a city center, where fewer people are involved in the commercial art world.

Two winners selected by a 'crowd sourcing' method will be in charge of a one-month apexart franchise with an up to $8,000 exhibition budget, an honorarium for the essay and organization of the show, and complete creative control with a few apexart guidelines. We will also provide the necessary guidance and administrative support to make the exhibition happen as successfully as past exhibitions in Jordan, Johannesburg, Stockholm, Los Angeles, Bangkok, and Mexico City. apexart will also print a mini-catalog in an edition of 9,000 with an essay from the curator that is distributed around the world to more than 100 countries and available online with all contacts, reviews, and press images.

The Franchise is an opportunity to bring an idea to fruition in a new place and to confirm that the center of the world is wherever you are.

from e-artnow