New Jewish Artist Opportunity Available - $40,000 grants

AMP's picture

The Six Points Fellowship for Emerging Jewish Artists is accepting
applications! The Fellowship supports nine Los Angeles artists (ages
22-38) working in visual arts, music, performing arts, film, video and
animation to develop a new project exploring Jewish themes and ideas.

The two-year fellowship provides:

Funding: up to $40,000 over two years

Learning: retreats, monthly workshops, and coaching

Applications are due June 1 and the fellowship begins in November 2011.
More info at

This is an unprecedented opportunity in LA, and we are looking for artists
from all sectors, hoping to reflect and support the diversity of the
creative ecosystem of Los Angeles. We would appreciate any way you could
let artists know about the Six Points Fellowship - by forwarding this email,
spreading the word via social media, or sending potential artists our

Six Points in Los Angeles is a collaboration of Avoda Arts, Foundation for
Jewish Culture, and JDub with significant funding from The Jewish Federation
of Greater Los Angeles, the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles and
the Righteous Persons Foundation.

Thanks for all of your help,


Josh Feldman

Associate Director, Los Angeles

Six Points Fellowship

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from LA Culture Net