obsessive arts directory

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I think I'm feeding an obsession for organization. My vision for the AMP international arts directory is so massive in scope, I can find an entry pretty much every time I look anywhere. It's going to be years before the flow of information slows down! Tonight was very productive, and I can't seem to make myself really stop. The more I put in, the more I can imagine that needs to be put in. As of tonight, I guess we could say that arts festivals in Australia and more sedate music festivals in Hungary are covered. And who knew there were so very many fringe festivals in this world? All I knew about before was the one in Edinburgh, but there's also a fringe (or several) in Australia, and one (or more) in Hungary. I guess it makes perfect sense - if there's a festival, and one already has the concept of there being an outlying fringe, why wouldn't there be a fringe festival for each more traditional arts festival? And so there seem to be! They look really, really cool...