ARTISTS CALL: Lorser Feitelson and Helen Lundeberg Feitelson Arts Fellowship (deadline February 16)

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Artists early in their careers are invited to apply for a $5,000 award that includes a solo exhibition in the Projects Room at the gallery.

The Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (LAMAGA) Associates are pleased to announce the call for submissions for the Lorser Feitelson and Helen Lundeberg Feitelson Arts Fellowship Award. The Award was conceived by two seminal Los Angeles modernist painters, Lorser and Helen Lundeberg Feitelson, and friends to encourage young artists early in their careers by awarding grants to support their creative potential. The Award is offered with the generous support of the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery Associates (LAMAGA) in partnership with the Feitelson Foundation. For an application click here. DEADLINE FOR ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS: FEBRUARY 16, 2011.

This year the Feitelson Arts Fellowship Award will be juried by Ciara Ennis, director/curator of Pitzer Art Galleries at Pitzer College; Todd Gray, professor of art at California State University, Long Beach; and Carol A. Stakenas, executive director of Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE).

The Feitelson Arts Fellowship award is granted to an individual who works in the following media: painting, photography, sculpture, printmaking, installation and/or new genre. The 2011 Feitelson Fellowship winner will receive an award of $5,000 and will be given a solo exhibition in conjunction with COLA 2011 at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery. The Gallery and the Associates are proud to provide funding and support to these Los Angeles-based artist. Past award-winners include Justin Bower (2010); Saul Alvarez (2009); Dana Maiden (2008); Emanuel Tet and Kira Lynn Harris (1999).

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Conversations With the Artists Program
Friday, January 7, 7 pm
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery


Charles Hachadourian

Deconstructed Applications

Sophia Allison

Barbara Tabachnick

Jennifer Gunlock

Conversations with the Artists Program
This program gives the public an opportunity to talk with artists in our exhibitions about their artwork in an informal gallery setting. Each artist is asked to speak about how his or her work was developed and discuss content, process and related issues. The public is then invited to participate by asking questions for a short period developing a conversation about the art works with the artist. Through this process, the public gets a better realization of the art on exhibition and the artists who make the work. The program, which has up to five artists per event, lasts about one hour and a half, with each artist given a short period to speak and take questions.

About Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery Associates (LAMAGA)
The Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery Associates (LAMAGA) was founded in 1952 as a non-profit corporation dedicated to supporting the Gallery. Its mission is to enhance the exhibition program; promote visitor understanding and appreciation through the education program; and to ensure the gallery's accessibility and involvement with a city-wide audience and the surrounding predominantly immigrant communities. Board members from the Los Angeles business and professional community support the gallery financially through grant writing and the administration of grant funds; donor cultivation; production and sale of exhibition catalogues; and ancillary programs and fundraising events developed with gallery staff to compliment the exhibitions.